Psoriasis — pictures, symptoms, treatment

This disease manifests itself in the appearance in the skin of red spots that constantly bother you, places, rashes, itching, that interferes with normal life. Complications of possible occurrence cuidam arthritico pain in the joints.


The quality of life of the people who have this type of problems, is reduced. And although the General condition is often not much worse; the usual way of life changes. This is a serious unaesthetic skin disease brings a lot of disadvantages, such as the inability to wear revealing clothes or saunas, or beaches.

In some cases, psoriasis causes suffering comparable to that of the main diseases such as heart failure, hypertension acute, or postinfarction state. The danger is the increase of the itching because conpositis demere kidnaps places appear difficult to healthy wounds.

The complexity of this disease that is practically incurable. Everything that is offered to the pharmaceutical industry in the present day, gives a temporary result. And measures such as psychotherapy, vitamins and diet, to allow only a little to improve the condition.

The symptoms of psoriasis

  • The appearance of plates of silver;
  • Peeling of the affected areas;
  • Bleeding the areas where the skin is coming off.

This is a classic sign of the disease, which can vary in function of the varieties of the disease. There are several types of psoriasis, characterized by a flow of the intensity and combination of symptoms.


Irritation and redness can form in any area of the human body, but in most of the areas of the lesions are the elbows, hands, back, knees and feet. Additional symptoms of psoriasis may be:

  • The detachment of the plate of the fingernail;
  • The appearance of dimples in the nails;
  • Coloring of the nails, a shade yellow;
  • Pain in the joints;
  • Increased sensitivity of the skin;
  • Swelling.

Stage of development

The disease dermatologists are conventionally divided into several stages. This is important because the disease often has a chronic character. The Professionals have the opportunity to observe the course of the disease and to determine the accuracy of the treatment modality.

  1. The first stage is characterized by the recurrent exacerbation, which is reflected in the appearance and enlargement of the rashes. Psoriasis early stages can be seen in the photo. The main evidence of disease progressive – the appearance of scaly plaques of red color free of flakes to rim. And the redness is spreading rapidly, scales do not have the time to cover the entire surface of the inflammation.
  2. A progressing stage. During this period, being a new rash, papules grow ibi. Originally appeared the elements are sloughed off. There is a positive isomorphic reaction when in the affected areas of the skin to the formation of new papules.
  3. Phase stationary. In this stage, the rash becomes less, cease to be a new plate, available papules won't grow. All of the lesions covered with scales, and redness around the edges of the plates are missing.
  4. Regression is the most important stage of the treatment of psoriasis, which shows that the worsening of the disease behind, the treatment with efficacy and give a positive result. The main task of this phase is to prevent re-aggravation. In regressus stage plates are almost invisible, the scaling of the stops at the sites of lesions formed whitish or brown spots.

The division of the disease stage depends on the activity of the inflammatory process. In the based on clinical manifestations of the disease, the redder and larger the more actively there is a process. The activity of the psoriasis visible in the photo.

Causes of psoriasis

Many people wonder psoriasis is contagious or not? To start is to understand the causes of psoriasis. You can't be infected by contact through shared towels, hygiene items or a handshake. Most often the disease occurs in young adults 18 to 25 years.

The main factors which contribute to the development of the disease, are:
  • The genetic predisposition. The disease can develop in first degree relatives;
  • Common cause – stress, emotional stress, severe emotional distress;
  • Possible cause of diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Violation of metabolism, in particular, the lack of silicon in the human body, the deficiency of vitamin;
  • Intestinal diseases and viruses.

It should be noted that immune imbalance in the body causes the appearance of the eruption. This is the state when cells show aggression to the tissues, is reflected in the skin. There is a direct relationship between the development of the disease and the condition of the intestine.

The people who have parasitic intestinal infection, are more susceptible to the diseases of the skin. The agents of enteric disease in the long-term existence in the blood, throw away the toxins from the body that trigger an immune imbalance. The result is a psoriasis.

Methods of treatment of psoriasis

Many experts believe that this disease is virtually incurable. A clear scheme for the treatment of psoriasis does not exist, each case is considered individually. Because of psoriasis is a phenomenon little studied, the main cause of their existence is considered an emotional level, and immune system disorders.

The most surprising thing is that psoriasis may suddenly disappear or appear. The logical explanation of this surprise medicine can't provide. How to treat psoriasis?

The first is to understand that the treatment should be complex. First, the patient is assigned drugs topical application. If there is no result, then connects to the medication.

Make sure that the complex includes:
  1. In accordance with the order of the day.
  2. A special hypoallergenic diet.
  3. Mental attitude, get rid of emotional and physical stress.

Non-steroidal drugs to reduce inflammation are prescribed for problems with the joints in their composition has an active substance ibuprofen, which relieves pain. When more serious violations are special puncture of the joints.

Certain forms of psoriasis are treated with paraffin applications, exhibitions. Of inflammation in the progressive stage of the disease also apply ointment, in the presence of infection with agents that contain antibiotics.


Good results show that the treatment with laser phototherapy, cryotherapy. Psoriasis in the head is treated with the use of humilis-interest of the sulfur-salicylic compounds. After the transition of the disease in the phase stationary applies the ointment of psoriasis keratolytic effect .

Diet for psoriasis

Psoriasis treatment is always made individually, but in any case, it is necessary to establish an adequate nutrition and clean the body of toxins that cause the development of the disease. Correct diet and body detox – the key to the success of the treatment.

When composing a diet special attention should be paid to foods that contain sufficient vitamins and minerals. For an effective treatment the body needs to make the following substances:

  1. Preparations containing silicon. This mineral is a sorbent, which removes all antigenic complexes from the body through the intestines. On the other hand, is involved in the improvement of the structure of the skin, which is important in this disease.
  2. Vitamin D and calcium. The fact that the calcium is absorbed only with vitamin d Complex participates in the stabilization of cell membranes. Medications prescribed during the period of stabilization or remission.
  3. The oil of fish. Inflammatory processes are always accompanied by the death of the cells. To restore and maintain the immune system needs antioxidants. To restore the balance, it is recommended to take fatty acids omega-3 acids contained in fish oil. It is a powerful aktioksidant, which helps you to cope with psoriasis.
  4. Lecithin. The skin cells of psoriasis triggers of dying, for the renewal of the skin requires material of construction — phospholipids, the source of which is lecithin. Allows to quickly arrest the inflammation and restore the skin.

Universal diet that is indicated for psoriasis does not exist. The diet should be discussed with your doctor. But there are some General guidelines for the planning of menus. You should pay special attention to foods that are not recommended for use during the treatment.

Is to abandon the meals that cause Allergy or cause the development of the disease. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of salt, removing it is unlikely. It is necessary to eliminate from the diet of fried, salted, pickled, smoked foods, foods containing preservatives, flavor enhancers, dyes.

The exceptions are sweets, confectionery, all fast carbohydrates. Strictly forbidden to drink alcohol!

The diet should contain healthy food and drinks. Make sure to include in the menu of fish, lean cuts of meat to cook, preferably without fat, baked, boiled or in stews. You should eat regularly fresh fruit, excluding citrus and strawberries. Daily drink milk drinks, herbal.

Proper nutrition can help to quickly deal with a command such as psoriasis.

Treatment at home

In addition to the compliance with the diet in the house of the person who has the disease should adhere to the following rules:

  • Care of skin care. You need more protection, to avoid injury to the skin, any abrasion and crack can become inflamed. This disease often occurs secondary to inflammation, which may lead to suppuration;
  • During the period of treatment should abandon the use of cosmetics, the nail is the best short, in psoriasis also suffer and become brittle and flake;
  • It is not necessary to be under direct sunlight. You can take the sun, but a short period of time. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause an outbreak and damage to the skin.
  • It is necessary to exclude the impact of stress factors and to guide efforts to increase the immunity. It is recommended to take vitamin complex, exercise, the mood.


Psoriasis is a disease that is individual. Studies have shown that is not transmitted from person to person. You need to understand that I can not cope with, the disease is dangerous, improper treatment can trigger a variety of complications. It is not recommended during the treatment to brush the damaged areas.

Preventive measures to prevent disease include the following:
  1. The rejection of bad habits. Smokers are more susceptible to the incidence of the disease than non-smokers. The cigarette smoke lowers the immune system and poisons the body, the difficult circulation of the blood, which provokes the appearance of plaques.
  2. The medication may trigger the disease, it is a side effect of beta-blockers and of drugs that includes lithium. Before your admission you should consult with a specialist.
  3. Maintenance of immunity. To avoid infectious diseases in a timely manner to treat the common cold and other viral diseases. In some cases it is advisable to take vitamin complexes.

To properly care for the skin, keeping it in wet condition it is important. This is necessary to control the normal level of humidity in the room, to abandon the use of air conditioners dry the air. The body moisturized with lotions, creams and oils after the bath.

Must carefully choose cosmetics, cosmetics, decorative should be of good quality. For the care of the skin it is advisable to use natural remedies. Damage in the use of household chemicals, home work has to be performed in gloves, as the chemicals can affect even the healthy skin.

The water soothes and purifies the skin, water is an essential part of the prevention and the treatment of psoriasis. In the warmer months you can apply for the discharge of fresh water, and in the winter to take herbal baths. Therefore, from the harsh washcloths and scrubs should be abandoned.

The clothes should choose natural materials, so it does not deterioratus the skin and breathable. Ideal – things made of cotton.


Prevention of psoriasis, it requires a special attention to the own style of life and nutrition, as well as the hygiene of the skin. If the implementation of the recommendations and maintain your health, you can minimize the risk of psoriasis, to reduce the severity of the disease.